• Original research article
  • September 27, 2023
  • Open access

Metalexicography, culture and lexiculture: Structure and categories of description (based on the Russian, English, German, French and Malagasy languages)


The aim of the study is to identify the structural and descriptive features of the modern lexicographic cluster. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in a comprehensive identification of metalexicographic formats for the description of modern lexicographic science in line with correlations with the “maternal” culture, both at the level of vocabulary and in the space of a complete utterance. In addition, the study is novel in that it introduces into active scientific use the terms “culture gap”, “linguocultural tensor” in order to clarify the conceptual apparatus and provide a clearer semantic structuring of the term system of metalexicography, language theory and communication theory. One of the main epistemological aspects of the work is represented by the development of the problems of lexicultural interpretation of lexicographic space as a semiotic whole and value, that is, the issues of searching for the foundations of multicultural identity, which can be resolved one way or another by referring to the language of dictionaries of various types. An important point of the study is the discovery of correlations between the conceptual and epistemic dimensions of metalexicographic knowledge, in other words, between linguistic and conceptual analysis of vocabulary discourse in line with the interpretative-semiological approach. The results showed the importance of further development of the metalexicographic paradigm in line with the constantly updated philological knowledge and also made it possible to discover the information about the collective elements of the worldview and cognition of the linguoculturological community and national-cultural identity at the level of philological knowledge functioning. The data obtained allowed the researchers to identify a number of important elements of the linguosemiotic impact on the thinking of a consumer of dictionary information necessary to overcome critical and stressful situations associated with the accelerated dynamics of the development of high-tech lexicographic data formats on the path of creating new metalexicographic axiology in order to optimise cognition and communication models.


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Author information

Arkadiy Petrovich Sedykh


Moscow International University; Belgorod National Research University; Belgorod State Technological University

Elvira Nikolajevna Akimova


Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow

Galina Tigranovna Bezkorovaynaya


Plekhanov Russian Economic University, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 4, 2023.
  • Published: September 27, 2023.


  • металексикография
  • культура
  • лексикультура
  • культурный зазор
  • этнокультурные коннотации
  • metalexicography
  • culture
  • lexiculture
  • culture gap
  • ethnocultural connotations


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