• Original research article
  • October 4, 2023
  • Open access

The place of morphological terms in 1960-2010 lexicographic editions on the terminology of the Russian language


The aim of the study is to determine the features of the presentation of linguistic terminology in 1960-2010 dictionaries and reference literature on the Russian language, identifying common and distinctive features in the inclusion of the metalanguage of linguistics in these publications, as well as morphological terms. In the course of the study, a range of such publications was established and the named terms, which had been interpreted in one or another way in the dictionaries and reference books in question, were identified. Statistical data on the volume of vocabulary in the publications under consideration were given in comparison with the number of morphological terms included in them. The ratio of independent and reference dictionary entries was determined, allowing the addressees of the dictionaries to establish the systemic, genus-species, relations between the morphological terms included in dictionaries and reference editions. Attention is drawn to the content and features of the construction of independent dictionary entries. The study is novel in that it is the first to analyse the morphological component of the main lexicographic publications on the terminology of the Russian language reflecting the classical and modern achievements of Russian grammatical thought. The obtained results showed that the terms of morphological science are not equally represented in the thesauruses of the main dictionaries on the terminology of the Russian language. This fact is explained by the total volume of terminological vocabulary of the publications examined, their genre features (encyclopaedia, reference book, educational dictionary, etc.), the purpose of creation, the nature of the addressee. One of the significant factors accounting for the difference between morphological terms in the main terminological dictionaries of the Russian language is the formation of new linguistic disciplines, new scientific schools and directions that develop their own metalanguage.


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Author information

Maria Dmitrievna Pribytkova

Katanov Khakass State University, Abakan

Vladimir Petrovich Antonov

Katanov Khakass State University, Abakan

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 22, 2023.
  • Published: October 4, 2023.


  • терминология русского языка
  • лексикографические издания
  • морфология
  • морфологические термины
  • словарная статья
  • terminology of the Russian language
  • lexicographic editions
  • morphology
  • morphological terms
  • dictionary entry


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