• Original research article
  • October 13, 2023
  • Open access

Semantics of zero quantity in the Kabardian language: The main ways of representation


The aim of the study is to identify the main ways of representing zero-quantity semantics in the modern Kabardian language. The study is novel in that it is the first to examine and systematise in a comprehensive manner lexical, affixal, phraseological units with the semantics of zero quantity in the Kabardian language and analyse the ways of conveying the semantics of non-possession and the semantics of absence in the Kabardian language. The paper analyses the main lexical means of conveying zero-quantity semantics in the modern Kabardian language, identifies typical constructions representing zero-quantity semantics, the features of functioning and lexical composition of phraseological and paremiological units with zero-quantity semantics, examines the main word-formation means of lexemes with non-possession semantics and absence semantics. The obtained results showed that the semantics of zero quantity is implemented in the modern Kabardian language through lexical, phraseological, paremiological, word-formation means. In addition, constructions representing zero-quantity semantics, which contain a verb in a negative form, have been identified in this language.


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Author information

Boris Chamalovich Bizhoev


Institute for the Humanities Research – Affiliated Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHR KBSC RAS), Nalchik

Maryana Rashadovna Khezheva


Institute for the Humanities Research – Affiliated Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHR KBSC RAS), Nalchik

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 21, 2023.
  • Published: October 13, 2023.


  • кабардино-черкесский язык
  • семантика
  • категория количества
  • нулевое количество
  • Kabardian language
  • semantics
  • category of quantity
  • zero quantity


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