• Original research article
  • October 17, 2023
  • Open access

Demonstrative pronouns ‘this/these’, ‘that/those’ in the dialogical speech of film characters


The aim of the study is to determine the functional-semantic features of demonstrative pronouns ‘this/these’ and ‘that/those’ as integral elements of an English-language film dialogue. The work analysed dialogue fragments from modern English-language feature films, in which the ability of demonstrative pronouns to perform the deictic, anaphoric, cataphoric and identifying functions was established. The content of the nominative component of multifunctional demonstrative pronouns and their stylistic marking were determined. The study is novel in that it is the first to analyse speech behaviour and the role of demonstrative pronouns in conveying pragmatically and stylistically important information in the context of a feature film plot. The results of the study showed that demonstrative pronouns have their own nominative meanings, which are realised through the speech senses of ‘close/distant’, ‘here, now / then in the past / in the future’, ‘one’s own / someone else’s’, ‘known personally by the subject / generally known’, ‘subjectively important / objectively important’, ‘unique/similar’, ‘special/typical’, etc. Demonstrative pronouns are capable of participating in the creation of the ‘intimacy’ and ‘alienation’ stylistic devices and conveying the evaluative-emotive shades of irritation, contempt, hostility, regret and disapproval. Due to the presence of the nominative component in demonstrative pronouns and their emotiveness, the realisation of the communicative-pragmatic setting of the participant in the film dialogue aimed at expressing their attitude towards what is happening and influencing the addressee becomes possible.


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Author information

Tatiana Yurievna Borodina


Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Irina Viktorovna Lysenko

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 5, 2023.
  • Published: October 17, 2023.


  • указательные местоимения
  • кинодиалог
  • функция
  • номинативное значение
  • эмотивность
  • demonstrative pronouns
  • film dialogue
  • function
  • nominative meaning
  • emotiveness


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© 2023 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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