• Original research article
  • November 20, 2023
  • Open access

Verbalization of the PAIN and БОЛЬ concepts in the English-language and Russian-language conceptual spheres


The aim of the study is to describe the linguistic objectifications of the PAIN and БОЛЬ (‘pain’) concepts, establishing the national specifics of verbalization of these concepts in the English-language and Russian-language conceptual spheres. The paper presents the data of free and directed association experiments conducted with the involvement of a wide range of respondents who are native English and Russian speakers. Based on the data obtained, the components of the macrostructures of the PAIN and БОЛЬ concepts are distinguished and the features included in their centers, near and far peripheries in the English and Russian language consciousness are revealed. A comparative analysis of verbalization of these concepts in the analyzed languages shows that, despite the fact that the formal features of the concepts in question in the minds of native English and Russian speakers are identical, there is a significant discrepancy in the perception of the conceptualized object in the “material” vs. “immaterial” dichotomy of features. The scientific novelty of the study lies, first of all, in the research material obtained in the course of free and directed association experiments. Such empirical data allow the researchers to compile the actual nominative fields of the PAIN and БОЛЬ concepts in English and Russian. As a result of the study, the national specifics of the structure and content of the PAIN and БОЛЬ concepts in the English-language and Russian-language conceptual spheres have been determined.


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Author information

Liudmila Gennadyevna Ratushnaia


Penza State University

Liudmila Ivanovna Kriukova


Penza State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 11, 2023.
  • Published: November 20, 2023.


  • концепт
  • языковая объективация
  • концепт PAIN
  • концепт БОЛЬ
  • номинативное поле
  • ассоциативный эксперимент
  • concept
  • linguistic objectification
  • PAIN concept
  • БОЛЬ concept
  • nominative field
  • association experiment


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