• Original research article
  • November 24, 2023
  • Open access

Prediction of Russia’s future in P. N. Krasnov’s utopia


The aim of the research is to highlight the problems characteristic of the Russian utopia of the past in P. N. Krasnov’s speculative fiction novels: the collective image of an “enlightened monarch” capable of building a just society, the need for social transformations, the theme of rearing the “new man”, etc. Utopia has a long history in Russian literature, dating back to the 18th century. It was then that it began to be perceived as an independent literary genre. Most vividly the problems characteristic of utopia were embodied in the speculative fiction novel “Behind the Thistle”, in which the author attempted to describe the perfect state, predicting the revival of Russia on the basis of unlimited imperial power. It is noted that in P. N. Krasnov’s writings, elements of utopia are also found in the novels “The White Coat” and “Feat”, dedicated to the theme of the anti-Bolshevik struggle outlined in the novel “Behind the Thistle”. P. N. Krasnov’s works had not been considered before from this point of view, which led to the results determining the scientific originality of the research undertaken. The research findings indicate that the writer, while creating an image of the future in a different historical situation and predicting various ways of changing reality, nevertheless remained in the framework of the socio-political utopia traditional for Russian literature.


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Author information

Yuri Alexeevich Azarov


А. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 13, 2023.
  • Published: November 24, 2023.


  • литература русской эмиграции
  • П. Н. Краснов
  • роман «За чертополохом»
  • русская социально-политическая утопия
  • образ «идеального» вождя
  • Russian émigré literature
  • P. N. Krasnov
  • novel “Behind the Thistle”
  • Russian socio-political utopia
  • image of the “ideal” leader


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