Syntax features of German frontline (archival) documents
The aim of the study is to identify the syntactic characteristics of the structure of German frontline texts as a separate kind of military discourse with its specificity of expression of logical categories associated with them. The paper examines military frontline texts from the perspective of their functional purpose (orders, reports, summary messages, etc.) and also identifies and describes the syntactic means that form the structure of discourse types of speech, i.e., narration, description, reasoning. Frontline texts make up a significant part of the materials in numerous archives and museums in Germany and Russia, but their role and status in military discourse remain open. The study is novel in that it substantiates the identification of a special type functioning on the basis of written communication during hostilities within the framework of military discourse, as opposed to the status discourse form (orders, formal regulations, codes, etc.) and the personal discourse form (communication through field mail) by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the syntactic structure of frontline texts. As a result of the study, it has been found that the texts of frontline discourse are characterized by the following logical links: attribution, conjunction, implication, which possess the appropriate syntactic means of expression. The analysis of the functional and semantic organization of German military frontline documents has shown that syntax can be considered as the basis of the structural organization of both military discourse as a whole and its varieties in the form of frontline texts.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 16, 2023.
- Published: December 4, 2023.
- военный дискурс
- фронтовой дискурс
- немецкие фронтовые документы
- типы речи
- логические категории
- синтаксические средства
- military discourse
- frontline discourse
- German frontline documents
- types of speech
- logical categories
- syntactic means
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