• Original research article
  • January 17, 2024
  • Open access

Linguistic features of socio-political discourse: Based on a comparison of the political speeches of British and American politicians


The paper examines the linguistic features of political discourse. Using British and American political speeches, the researchers identify the general and specific features in the political discourse of statesmen speaking different national languages. The aim of the study is to describe the linguistic means and axiological categories used in the political speeches of British and American politicians that reflect the national and cultural specifics of the two states at the level of political discourse. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the choice of the object and subject of analysis: using the example of linguistic means, the paper is the first to identify and compare the common and specific characteristics of the two nations in terms of modeling political discourse in British English and American English. As a result of examining transcripts of political speeches, certain coincidences have been revealed, on the one hand, in the use of linguistic means and axiological categories when creating political speeches, on the other hand, the peculiarities of the national and cultural specificity of American discourse, which manifested itself in such tropes as alliteration, gradation, comparison, syntactic parallelism. It has been found that in the creation of British political speeches, preference is given to repetition and polysyndeton, which are barely represented in American discourse.


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Author information

Larisa Anatol’evna Chernyshova


Russian University of Transport RUT (MIIT), Moscow

Elena Olegovna Chernikova


Russian University of Transport RUT (MIIT), Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 7, 2023.
  • Published: January 17, 2024.


  • политический дискурс
  • британский английский
  • американский английский
  • политические речи
  • языковые приемы
  • political discourse
  • British English
  • American English
  • political speeches
  • linguistic techniques


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