• Original research article
  • February 21, 2024
  • Open access

Textemic analysis of special texts on winemaking


This article carries out a comprehensive and multifactorial semantic-structural analysis of special texts on winemaking, taking into account the contact and distant semantic connections of individual speech units (propositional locutemes) among themselves and the relationships of individual sentences, the totality of which makes up the text. The purpose of the study is to develop a typology of prototypical semantic structures (textemes) of special winemaking texts, which will improve the technology for translating winemaking concepts taking into account the context and their meaning. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time, with the help of linguocogitological methods, built-up contact and distant connections of logosemic features of syntagmemes as unifying links of block textemes have been identified in order to categorize logosemes in special texts on winemaking in the process of semantization. The obtained results make it possible to describe the specific functioning of the components of texts of various levels in the form of a complex of interconnected elements, i. e., the lingvemic-locutematic mechanism for creating explicit and implicit connections of intercategorical logical-semantic features in special texts on winemaking, representing the process of textemization.


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Author information

Andrey Viktorovich Sibiryakov


Ulyanovsk State University

Arina Vladimirovna Timokhina

Ulyanovsk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 6, 2024.
  • Published: February 21, 2024.


  • текстема
  • пропозитема
  • синтагмема
  • логосема
  • текстемизация
  • texteme
  • propositeme
  • syntagmeme
  • logoseme
  • textemization


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