• Original research article
  • February 29, 2024
  • Open access

Argumentative explication of the text of parliamentary speeches at the micro level (based on the French language)


The research aims to identify functional types of semantic dependence within a fragment of the text of parliamentary speeches – the argumentative component. The paper examines the notion of an argumentative component and identifies its main elements. To establish an intentionally determined semantic dependence within this text segment, the notion of an argumentative move (AM) is introduced, which is understood as a functional unit of the addresser’s general communicative strategy and which is aimed at realizing a specific communicative intention. The relations of the functional-semantic connection, updating its argumentative moves, as well as the linguistic means that represent them are described. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that based on the material of the French language, it typologizes the relations of semantic dependence at the micro level of the argumentative construction of the text of parliamentary speeches, taking into account the functional-communicative aspect. As a result of the research, the intentionally determined semantic relations typical for the corpus of texts under study were determined: proper causation (AM ‘causal basis’), nonproper causation (AM ‘argument’), consequence (AM ‘conclusion’), concession (AM ‘insufficient basis’), disjunctiveness (AM ‘expanded alternative’ and AM ‘alternative motivation’), their linguistic markers were identified and systematized.


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Author information

Irina Nikolaevna Gavrishina


Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 8, 2024.
  • Published: February 29, 2024.


  • аргументация
  • интенционально обусловленные смысловые отношения
  • аргументативный ход
  • аргументативный компонент
  • языковые маркеры аргументации
  • argumentation
  • intentionally determined semantic relations
  • argumentative move
  • argumentative component
  • linguistic markers of argumentation


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