• Original research article
  • May 17, 2024
  • Open access

Parameterization of communication content in business discourse (based on the material of the Russian and English languages)


The aim of the study is to identify the possibility of parameterization of data and the means of parameterization of the multilevel system of business discourse, based on its inherent models of communication, distributive analysis, contextual translations, stereotypes and realities, units of categorical and axiological semantics, the frame structure, and discourse constraints. The article reviews the representation of parameters in terms of the content of business discourse in a comparative-contrastive aspect. The scientific novelty of the research is that for the first time, based on the material of the Russian and English languages, it presents a comprehensive structure of business discourse, describes some of its components, and practically creates an algorithm for working with text or information, which allows, according to formal criteria, provided that the parameters are met, to classify the text as business discourse. In the future, it may be possible to create special software that will be able, in addition to analytics for semantics, sentiment, and content, to process texts, including spoken texts, for compliance with a certain type of discourse. Such algorithms in the form of a set of rules, tasks, and parameters can contribute to the automation of business processes, in particular within the framework of business discourse, generate scenarios for the interaction of actors in it, and search for the most favorable course of discourse for intentional purposes. As a result of the study, a multilevel structure of business discourse was recorded, due to its frame nature; the most important parameters of the discourse space were classified. It has been established that under the influence of changing geopolitical conditions, there is a conscious emotional and evaluative rethinking of business processes and phenomena, which causes changes in the speech activity of communicators in the fields of discourse. It has been proved that discourse as a process of linguistic activity is a system and, like any system, can be modeled and parameterized.


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Author information

Natalia Yurevna Kovalenko

State University of Education, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 17, 2024.
  • Published: May 17, 2024.


  • бизнес-дискурс
  • модели коммуникации
  • параметры содержания коммуникации
  • ограничения дискурса
  • business discourse
  • communication models
  • communication content parameters
  • discourse restrictions


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