• Original research article
  • May 21, 2024
  • Open access

Linguistic and cultural aspects of the semantics of dialect vocabulary (based on island German dialects in Siberia)


Island German dialects that exist in certain regions of Russia and partially retain the status of the everyday family language in Russian German families are a unique linguistic phenomenon from the point of view of the history of the development of the German language and its regional variants and language contacts as factors of influence on the language system. Island German dialects develop in a foreign language environment, preserving many archaic language elements. The aim of the study is to present aspects of the study of dialectal vocabulary in a new perspective, from the standpoint of linguoculturology and historical semantics, based on the accumulated scientific experience in German studies and dialectology of various languages. As the linguocultural aspects based on the material of German dialects outside the main language area have been developed in German studies fragmentarily, the scientific novelty lies in the approaches to the consideration of the semantics of vocabulary of island German dialects in terms of its significance as a representative of the linguoculture of Russian Germans and substantiates the need to consider island variants of the German language in an interdisciplinary aspect. As a result of the analysis of theoretical aspects of cultural linguistics and dialectology, an attempt is made to show what ethnoculturally significant information is reflected in the semantics of dialect units, and to determine the perspective of further dialectological research in the field of island German dialectology.


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Author information

Tatiana Nikolajevna Moskvina


Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 1, 2024.
  • Published: May 21, 2024.


  • островная немецкая диалектология
  • островной немецкий говор
  • историческая семантика немецкого языка
  • лингвокультура российских немцев
  • island German dialectology
  • island German dialect
  • historical semantics of the German language
  • linguoculture of Russian Germans


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