• Original research article
  • July 22, 2024
  • Open access

Participles as a means of representing taxis (based on the material of the Tatar language)


The article considers the category of taxis, which determines the chronology of events and their conjugacy on the time axis. The purpose of the study is to identify the potential of the participles of the Tatar language in the representation of the taxic meanings of succession, simultaneity and precedence. The research material was examples from the Tatar National corps "Tugan tel". The scientific novelty of the study consists in differentiating the forms of participles in accordance with the implemented basic values of the taxi category. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the participles of the Tatar language are able to represent all taxic meanings within the utterance. The meanings represented by participles are differentiated according to their belonging to different time planes: present – simultaneity, past – preceding, future – following. The predicate expresses the main temporal localization. The participles of the present tense retain the value of the constancy of the attribute in action relative to any period. The most representative is the group of past and present participles without the meaning of multiplicity.


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Author information

Gulnara Firdavisovna Lutfullina


Kazan State Power Engineering University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 2, 2024.
  • Published: July 22, 2024.


  • причастия татарского языка
  • значения категории таксиса
  • следование
  • предшествование
  • одновременность
  • participles of the Tatar language
  • meanings of the taxi category
  • following
  • preceding
  • simultaneity


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