• Original research article
  • August 19, 2024
  • Open access

Coptic Hymnography: a collection of Antiphonaries and a Hymn to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel


The article is devoted to the analysis of a Coptic hymn from the collection of Antiphonaries, which has survived in the manuscript of the 9th century. The aim of the research is to identify the content features of the Egyptian-Christian hymn in honour of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. For the first time, a Russian translation of this hymn is introduced into the scientific turnover. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the examining of the specificity of Coptic hymns on the example of the analysed hymn, in the correlation of its content with the Coptic tradition and in the emphasis on the hierarchy of archangels, which is significant for the Copts. The results showed that the structure of the hymn includes 12 antiphons, different in content and volume. Neither rhyme nor rhythmic prose is used in them. The request for forgiveness of sins unites five antiphons, five antiphons are dedicated exclusively to the Archangel Michael, none exclusively to Gabriel, four antiphons mention the Coptic Church for one reason or another, and three antiphons contain requests for fertility. All the themes touched upon are embedded in the common tradition of the Coptic Church. The fifth antiphon is dedicated exclusively to Christ. It can be assumed that in this way the hymnographer builds a hierarchy, in which the Saviour is undoubtedly the first, followed by the Archistrategos, and then the Archangel Gabriel, whose role is not clearly described.


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Author information

Lilia Rubenovna Frangulian


Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 12, 2024.
  • Published: August 19, 2024.


  • коптская гимнография
  • Антифонарий
  • архангел Михаил
  • архангел Гавриил
  • небесная иерархия
  • Coptic hymnography
  • Antiphonary
  • Archangel Michael
  • Archangel Gabriel
  • celestial hierarchy


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