• Original research article
  • August 26, 2024
  • Open access

Modifications of the German proverb “Not macht erfinderisch” in the economic media discourse of Germany


The aim of the study is to identify modifications of the German proverb “Not macht erfinderisch” (lit. “Need makes one inventive”) in economic media discourse. The scientific novelty of the study lies in constructing models of modification of the analyzed paroemia. For the first time, the functioning of the proverbial saying in the traditional and in a modified form in the economic journalistic discourse of Germany is considered. The analysis of the corpus of traditional and authorial forms of the proverb reveals variants that do not affect the meaning of the proverb and transformations that partially or completely change its meaning. As a result of the study, it was found that the frequency of occasional modifications of proverbs in the research material is 1.5 times higher than the use of the proverb in the traditional form. The proposed list of paroemias in a modified form will demonstrate the features of the use of the proverb in the modern journalistic discourse on economic topics, reveal and predict its modification potential based on the identified models.


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Author information

Elvira Leonidovna Shubina


MGIMO University, Moscow

Tatyana Andreevna Pugacheva

MGIMO University, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 15, 2024.
  • Published: August 26, 2024.


  • немецкоязычный экономический медиадискурс
  • традиционная форма пословицы
  • варианты и трансформы пословицы
  • модели модификаций пословицы
  • German-language economic media discourse
  • traditional proverb form
  • proverb variants and transforms
  • models of proverb modification


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