• Original research article
  • September 12, 2024
  • Open access

Ecolinguistic and linguopragmatic aspects of the information space of regional media (using the example of the news headings “Sport” and “Tourism”)


The aim of the research is to identify common and specific features of the news texts under the headings “Sport” and “Tourism” in the information space of Bashkortostan as a multicultural region in the context of assessing the compliance of their content with public and state demands. The article considers a lexico-semantic selection from the sections “Sport” and “Tourism”, representing the realities directly reflected in the information space of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The subject of the research was represented by the thematic focus of the vocabulary in news publications and its semantic features, the integrity of the content of the material, the use of “journalistic” language, the modality of news materials, and the compliance of texts with ethical standards. The novelty of the research lies in clarifying the criteria for ecolinguistic assessment of media news texts, aligning the content aspect with reader demands while developing parameters for a comprehensive study of the regional information space of Bashkortostan. According to the research findings, the correspondence of the vocabulary to the thematic headings “Sport” and “Tourism” was established, the frequency and semantic features of the texts were determined, in particular, a layer of publications covering the initiatives of relevant departments and regional authorities was revealed. The correspondence of the materials of these two headings to linguopragmatic and ecolinguistic parameters, including ethical ones, was ascertained.


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The study was carried out as a part of the state assignment of the Strategic Studies Institute in Bashkortostan Academy of Sciences in 2024.

Author information

Alexandr Stepanovich Kobyskan


Strategic Studies Institute in Bashkortostan Academy of Sciences, Ufa

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 30, 2024.
  • Published: September 12, 2024.


  • эколингвистика
  • новостные тексты
  • язык СМИ
  • эколингвистический мониторинг
  • региональные СМИ
  • ecolinguistics
  • news texts
  • media language
  • ecolinguistic monitoring
  • regional media


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