• Original research article
  • November 22, 2024
  • Open access

Specificity of information visualization in English-language news media texts


The study aims to identify visual, infographic, and illustrative methods of information transfer from the addresser to the addressee that stylize English-language news dictemes at various linguistic levels. The scientific novelty lies in substantiating the fact that visual, infographic, and illustrative methods of information transfer are linguistic devices of dicteme stylization, the semantics of which are determined by both textual and visual codes. The results show that the information density of dictemes determines various methods of their stylization, among which factual stylization (analytical and descriptive dictemes) and evaluative stylization (motivational and persuasive dictemes) can be distinguished. Each is characterized by the choice of specific linguistic means of organization: for analytical dictemes, these are various types of questions; for descriptive dictemes – adjectives; for motivational dictemes – the imperative mood; and for persuasive dictemes, the second-person singular pronoun, melioration, and pejoration are used. Furthermore, it was found that mixed stylization is significantly widespread, manifested in the different stylization of the headline and the nonverbal-semantic component comprising the dicteme. The nonverbal-semantic component, represented by infographics, can enter into complementary or contradictory relationships with the headline, thereby regulating the balance between informing and influencing.


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Author information

Irina Olegovna Syresina


Moscow Pedagogical State University

Anna Nikolaevna Medvedeva

Moscow Pedagogical State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 9, 2024.
  • Published: November 22, 2024.


  • диктема
  • новостной медиатекст
  • новостной заголовок
  • стилизация диктем
  • инфографика в медиатекстах
  • dicteme
  • news media text
  • news headline
  • dicteme stylization
  • infographics in media texts


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