Directives as a base to algorithmize the client’s actions in the boundary discourse of social work
The purpose of the study is to identify the degree of influence of explicit and implicit directives on the prospects of the development of conventional non-cooperative interaction. The scientific novelty of the analysis is primarily determined by the delimitation of masking directives when using hedges in the context of removing epistemic responsibility from the agent of boundary communication. The results of determining the speech-act specificity of verbal prescription are obtained on the basis of communicative-discursive analysis to identify the illocutionary goal of constitutionally and contextually determined statements of agents of the boundary discourse of social work with the population. Various types of directives begin to act as an immutable algorithm aimed at achieving the goal in non-cooperative interaction of agents and clients only taking into account the factor of the “tertiariis agens”, which is the social institution itself, its conventions, norms and rules regulating communicative and real behavior. Directive illocution for the harmonization of interaction is realized in several types of speech acts in boundary discourse: invitive, injunctive, instructive, and requestive. They are often supplied with clarification of the consequences of non-fulfillment or deviation from the model behavior, justified by the removal of epistemic responsibility and reminiscences of prescriptions of the “tertiariis agens”. Thus, the maximum perlocutionary effect and clear forecasting of the development of communication is achieved with a formal presentation of the sequence of mandatory actions (prescriptions) as menasives of soft impact (warnings and admonitions).
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 15, 2024.
- Published: November 26, 2024.
- пограничный дискурс
- алгоритмизация
- речеактовая специфика
- директивы
- перлокутивный эффект
- хеджирование
- boundary discourse
- algorithmization
- speech act peculiarities
- directives
- perlocutionary effect
- hedging
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