Thematic and semantic features of phraseological units with the component "clothes" in Japanese and Yakut languages (based on the material of the Japanese-Russian dictionary by S. A. Bykova and the Yakut-Russian dictionary by A. G. Nelunov)
The purpose of the study is to identify the thematic and semantic characteristics, and national and cultural specifics of Japanese and Yakut linguistic and cultural communication using the example of phraseological units with the component "clothes". Undoubtedly, the names of clothes became widespread in phraseology, reflecting the national and cultural characteristics of the surrounding reality. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that a comparative analysis of phraseological units with the component "clothing" allowed us to identify fragments of the linguistic worldview of the Japanese and Yakuts, to determine a set of meanings that is associated with the social symbolism of traditional clothing and translates the national worldview. As a result of the study, the linguistic semantics of the studied components of phraseological units is compared with symbolic meanings. A complex of meanings significant in ethnocultural terms is determined, which is primarily associated with the social symbolism of the costume. The allocation of thematic groups made it possible to identify their semantic connections, marking the social, financial situation and character of a person. Clothing can act as a marker of belonging to a certain social group, serves as an indicator of the wealth of its owner, and is also used to describe his character traits.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 3, 2024.
- Published: November 28, 2024.
- фразеологические единицы с компонентом «одежда»
- японский язык
- якутский язык
- языковая картина мира
- семантические связи
- phraseological units with the component "clothes"
- Japanese
- Yakut language
- linguistic picture of the world
- semantic connections
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