• Original research article
  • December 6, 2024
  • Open access

The specifics of hyperbole in political satire on Adolf Hitler (based on Charlie Chaplin’s feature film “The Great Dictator”)


The purpose of the study is to determine the role of hyperbole in the formation of the satirical image of Adolf Hitler in the context of the American feature film “The Great Dictator” in 1940. The article analyzes the hyperbole in the replicas of the characters of Charlie Chaplin’s film “The Great Dictator”, and also determines the influence of this technique on the viewer’s perception. It is shown that the exaggeration of cruelty and absurdity in the characters’ remarks contributes to the creation of a caricature image of the dictator. It is revealed that hyperbole not only emphasizes the absurdity of the dictator’s actions, but also serves as a means to reveal the cynical attitude of the totalitarian regime towards human life. It is noted that the exaggeration of aspects of Nazi ideology contributes to the formation of a critical perception of dictatorial power among viewers. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the primary identification and detailed analysis of hyperbole as a key means of forming a satirical image of a dictator, as well as in determining the impact of this technique on the viewer’s perception of a political figure. The results showed that exaggerating the aspects of cruelty, absurdity and cynicism of political actions makes it possible to create a grotesque image of dictators, which contributes to viewers’ understanding of the destructive nature of totalitarian ideologies.


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Author information

Andrey Aleksandrovich Kudryavtsev

Belgorod National Research University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 25, 2024.
  • Published: December 6, 2024.


  • гипербола в формировании сатирического образа
  • фильм Чарли Чаплина “The Great Dictator”
  • формирование сатирического образа
  • формирование критического восприятия у зрителей
  • зрительское восприятие политической фигуры
  • hyperbole in the formation of a satirical image
  • Charlie Chaplin’s film “The Great Dictator”
  • formation of a satirical image
  • formation of critical perception among viewers
  • viewer’s perception of a political figure


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