Borrowings in the Tunisian dialect from Turkish and European languages in their historical context
In the context of a linguistic and historical review, the article examines the modern Tunisian dialect of the Arabic language as the fruit of various layers (substrates, adstrates and superstrates) and the features of borrowing in the dialect from the "external" Italian, French and Turkish languages, as having the most lasting influence. At the same time, it should be noted either the locality or fragmentation of research on the problem of borrowings in the Tunisian dialect, in this regard, the scientific novelty of the work can be designated as a contribution to the generalization of data on borrowings in Tunisian dialect Arabic. The purpose of this study is to identify ways in which the Tunisian dialect borrows European and Turkish foreign language vocabulary. As a result of the study, we see that the historical "stratification" on Tunisian soil did not lead to an ethnic mosaic, as in other countries. The common geography and history have left a trace of a specific identity with a strong tendency towards unity with all the diversity of origins and borrowings. The ancient and modern history of the country confirms that this diversity has always been expressed in the linguistic environment: Berber, Latin, Arabic, Judeo-Arabic, Turkish, French coexisted with each other in different eras. This is a mixture that well explains the evolution of Tunisian society in different historical periods and proportionally reflects the weight of different cultures that have left or are leaving a mark on a given territory. The current language situation in Tunisia is an illustration of the phenomenon under study.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: April 30, 2024.
- Published: December 18, 2024.
- тунисский диалект арабского языка
- заимствования из итальянского, французского и турецкого языков
- заимствования в тунисском диалекте
- эволюция культуры тунисского общества
- Tunisian dialect of the Arabic language
- borrowings from Italian, French and Turkish
- borrowings in the Tunisian dialect
- evolution of the culture of Tunisian society
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