The main ways of linguistic expression of comparative combinations in the Kabardian language
The aim of the study is to establish the main ways of linguistic design of comparative combinations in the Kabardian language. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time, based on a comprehensive analysis of factual material, the main lexical and grammatical methods of objectification and the processes of forming the semantics of stable comparatives in the studied language are determined. Their semantic modifications and regularity of use are taken into account. The obtained results showed a rich and diverse range of design of comparative structures in the Kabardian language. These are lexical, word-formation, syntactic means. It has been revealed that stable comparatives are most widespread in the grammatical category of the degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. In addition to derivational affixes and comparative adverbial words, two-component nominal complexes are often used with a somatic element to convey the semantics of similarity and resemblance in the language under study. In the vocabulary, the studied models are used to actualize cognitive operations in the text. The less productive ones demonstrate even more diverse cognitive capabilities that contribute to the development of the theory of the studied language.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 2, 2024.
- Published: December 20, 2024.
- языковое оформление компаративных сочетаний
- кабардино-черкесский язык
- лексико-грамматические способы объективации
- семантика устойчивых компаративов
- когнитивные операции в тексте
- linguistic design of comparative combinations
- Kabardian language
- lexical and grammatical methods of objectification
- semantics of stable comparatives
- cognitive operations in the text
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