“Slips of the tongue” in linguistics and psychoanalysis: Structure, semantics and discourse
The aim of the study is to identify the vectors of interaction between linguistic and psychoanalytic discourses. The scientific novelty of the work consists in constructing a universal linguo-semiological model for describing parapraxis discourse in order to clarify the conceptual apparatus and more clearly structurize the semantic terminology of linguistics and psychoanalysis, as well as the theory of language and the theory of communication. The key point of the study is the attitude to language as an open, actively developing system of semiotic supports and reference points used to achieve the goals of interaction with other individuals, which cannot be interpreted without involving emotions, memory, additional cognitive efforts, will and imagination. The hybrid method of information processing at the junction of linguistics and psychoanalysis in line with the interpretative-semiological approach is also important. The obtained data make it possible to identify a number of important mechanisms of linguosemiotic synergy between the subjects of the narrative of various sciences, necessary for the implementation of adequate communication associated with the activation of the dynamics of the development of linguosemiotic and linguocultural parameters of the speech act, on the path to creating a new metadiscourse axiology both in theory and in practice, not only in the linguosemiotics of psychoanalysis, but also in general linguistics.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 7, 2024.
- Published: December 20, 2024.
- оговорка
- лингвосемиология
- терминосистема лингвопсихоанализа
- парапраксисный дискурс
- семиозис «оговорочного» высказывания
- slips of the tongue
- linguo-semiology
- terminology system of linguo-psychoanalysis
- parapraxis discourse
- semiosis of parapraxes
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