Representation of the cultural code of a city in German and Austrian phraseology
The purpose of the study is to establish the origins and mechanisms of the embodiment of cultural information about the city in the semantics of phraseological units that form the core of the idiomatics of the urban languages of Germany and Austria. The article examines the figurative foundations of phraseological units that translate cultural meanings that form the basis of the urban cultural code, and identifies areas that are represented in phraseology by symbolic components related to the history, social and cultural life of the city. It has been established that the subject areas that are most actively exposed to figurative cultural understanding as part of phraseological units include urban realities, including toponyms and urbanonyms, as well as anthroponyms. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is the first to decode the cultural meanings that form the basis of the city's cultural code, based on German and Austrian (Viennese) phraseological units that reflect the characteristic features of urban thinking and mentality, as well as the specifics of the relevant socio-cultural context. As a result of the study, it was found that phraseological units containing components representing the identity of the city are the product of encoding cultural information about historical events, persons, realities, and facts that have acquired the character of culturally specific symbols, standards, stereotypes, and mythologies in the minds of citizens.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 9, 2024.
- Published: December 23, 2024.
- городской язык
- урбанолект
- код культуры
- немецкая фразеология
- австрийская фразеология
- знаки культуры
- культурные символы
- urban language
- urban dialect
- cultural code
- German phraseology
- Austrian phraseology
- cultural signs
- cultural symbols
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