Alexander Prokhanov and Zakhar Prilepin: The realization of the "philosophy of action" in prose and journalism
The article examines the artistic and journalistic texts of A. Prokhanov and Z. Prilepin, demonstrating a conscious, multifaceted and multi-genre form of presence in the historical and cultural process. Creating an artistic text is an important, but not the only way to convey personal ideas. The purpose of the study is to identify the individual and common features of the artistic, journalistic and biographical plots of each of the two writers. The scientific novelty lies in the definition of stable artistic and journalistic historiosophical plots of Prokhanov and Prilepin, often carried out through a type of hero specific to each of the two authors. The results showed that the hypothesis put forward about the conscious construction of a historically determined destiny by two writers, in which literary creativity is consistent with ideology and politics, was confirmed. In the construction of artistic plots, with the general intention of the authors to synthesize with journalism, Prokhanov is prone to repetition, while Prilepin in each new work turns to a different genre, hero, plot. A significant difference in the poetics of texts is also the difference in the forms of addressing a particular historical figure. It is possible to establish not just general ideological positions between two writers, but relations of continuity. The desire for a strong state, anti-liberalism, and the synthesis of journalistic and artistic words remain common to all forms of their presence.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 21, 2024.
- Published: December 24, 2024.
- Русский мир
- философия поступка
- современная русская проза
- советский дискурс
- литературный процесс начала XXI века
- Russian world
- philosophy of action
- modern Russian prose
- Soviet discourse
- literary process of the beginning of the 21st century
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