Children’s comments on French-language political media texts with the “Martini Glass” structure
The aim of the study is to identify the components of a political news text with the structure of “Martini Glass” that encourage children’s readers to leave comments on them. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time a study of the architectonics of political texts “Martini Glass” has been conducted that revealed its the influence of on the writing of comments by children’s readers aged 8-12 years old. The study found that information from the structural components “Lead”, “Background” and sometimes “Nut graf” encourages young readers to express an opinion on political news texts with the structure “Martini Glass”. In addition, it was found that children’s readers more often give comments that indirectly relate to the content of the news text, expressing attitudes towards the political figures mentioned in the stimulus text. This fact indicates that this way of presenting information enduces children’s readers to think only about the news event and its participants, and not about what caused it, which is revealed in the structural component “Storytelling”.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 19, 2024.
- Published: December 25, 2024.
- новостной текст политической тематики
- структура текста “Martini Glass” (Бокал мартини)
- компоненты новостного текста
- детский комментарий
- детская читательская аудитория
- political news text
- text structure “Martini Glass”
- components of the news text
- children’s commentary
- children’s readership
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