Morphological and phonetic features of the Itum-Kala dialect of the Chechen language
This article is devoted to the analysis of morphological and phonetic features of the Itum-Kalin dialect of the Chechen language. The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristic features of the phonetic system of the Itum-Kalin dialect, thereby determining its place in the system of the Chechen language. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it examines such consonant clusters of the Itum-Kali dialect as "rk", "rs", "rš", which in the literary Chechen language correspond to the sound complexes "xk", "gs", "rč", and also analyzes the process of replacing "st", "ċq" in "s" and "ċ", being the characteristic of the phonetic system of the Itum-Kali dialect. The author observes the vocalism of the dialect in its comparison with the vowel system of the literary Chechen language (vowel "u") and a detailed analysis of phonetic features associated with the processes of formation of both nouns and verbs. The study of the phonetic system of the dialect has shown that the Itum-Kali dialect has a noticeable feature in consonant complexes. The vocalism of the dialect differs in that the dialect vowel "u" in the second syllable is not reduced; in the plural forms of a number of nouns, the vowel "i" in the suffix forming the plural is not reduced; in the plural forms, the diphthong "uō" as a result of palatalization turns into "uöö". In the forms of the present tense of the verb, there are the following phonetic features: the primary vowels of the infinitive bases ("i", "a", "ie", "iē") they retain their shape unchanged, the affixal vowel "u" is reduced and replaced with "a".
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 25, 2024.
- Published: December 25, 2024.
- чеченский литературный язык
- итум-калинский диалект
- морфонологические особенности диалекта
- фонетические особенности диалекта
- архаические фонетические элементы
- Chechen literary language
- Itum-Kali dialect
- morphological features of the dialect
- phonetic features of the dialect
- archaic phonetic elements
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