• Original research article
  • December 26, 2024
  • Open access

Bilingualism and code-switching in the Moldovan variant of the Romanian language: The impact of the Russian language on the formation of ethno-linguistic identity of Moldovans


The purpose of the study is to systematize the characteristic linguistic markers of bilingualism and code-switching that were formed under the influence of the Russian language in the Moldovan version of the Romanian language, as well as to determine their role in shaping the ethnolinguistic identity of Moldovans. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the identification of patterns and mechanisms of adaptation of Russian-speaking elements that form a new linguistic space in which Romanian and Russian linguistic units coexist, creating specific lexico-semantic and syntactic models. The article summarizes the historical, social and cultural prerequisites of centuries-old language contacts, leading to the integration of Russianisms, syntactic calculus and interlanguage interference. As a result of the study, it was found that bilingualism and code-switching not only expand the lexical and pragmatic range of the Moldovan version of the Romanian language, but also function as markers of the ethnolinguistic identity of Moldovans. They reflect the regional identity and cultural and historical specifics of the society living in a certain territory, contribute to strengthening group solidarity and differentiation from other Romanian-speaking regions.


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Author information

Elizaveta Yurievna Malysheva

Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 14, 2024.
  • Published: December 26, 2024.


  • языковые маркеры билингвизма
  • переключение языковых кодов
  • молдавский вариант румынского языка
  • этнолингвистическая идентичность молдаван
  • новое языковое пространство
  • культурно-историческая специфика социума
  • language markers of bilingualism
  • code-switching
  • Moldovan version of the Romanian language
  • ethnolinguistic identity of Moldovans
  • new linguistic space
  • cultural and historical specifics of society


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