The body as a medical object in the novel “Solar” by I. McEwan
The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the medicalization of discourse, in particular in the perception of the body as a medical object in the novel “Solar ” by I. McEwan. The article traces the peculiarities of the transformation of the human body into a medical object through the use of a large number of medical terms. The main aspects of the novel’s problematics, that are associated with the medicalization of discourse, are highlighted. It is found that in the literary sphere, in this context, the discussion of human vulnerability, the specifics of the course of their physical and mental processes are brought to the fore. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that in this article, for the first time in Russian literary criticism, a systematic consideration of the features of the medicalization of discourse is proposed on the example of the novel “Solar ” by I. McEwan. Taking into account the lack of work on the study of the medicalization of discourse in modern foreign literature, we believe that this study is timely. As a result, it’s proved that the perception of the body as a medical object takes place under the conditions of medicalization of discourse, which involves the study of the human condition within the framework of scientific discourse as a medical problem. A new way of describing a character has been discovered – primarily through the body as a physiological object. Due to the excessive fixation of the protagonist on his own physiology, the emphasis shifts from personal experiences to manifestations of the body, thus alienating the character from the Other and the surrounding environment.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 12, 2024.
- Published: December 26, 2024.
- обсуждение уязвимости человека
- особенности медикализации дискурса
- восприятие тела как медицинского объекта
- описание персонажа через тело
- отчуждение персонажа
- роман «Солнечная» Й. Макьюэна
- discussion of human vulnerability
- features of discourse medicalization
- perception of the body as a medical object
- character description through the body
- alienation of the character
- novel “Solar” by I. McEwan
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