Transformations of episodes from medieval Portuguese history in tragedy “A Castro” by A. Ferreira
The purpose of the study is to identify the ideological determinacy of the transformations of episodes of the medieval history of Portugal in the tragedy “A Castro” by A. Ferreira. The article examines the features of depicting of the national history of Portugal in the classical tragedy by A. Ferreira. In addition to analyzing the historical context of the play, identifying the conflicts of feeling and duty, personality and state traditional for classical drama, the article also pays attention to the gender issue of the tragedy, expressed in the collision of feminine and masculine principles using the example of the confrontation between Ines de Castro and the royal court. The features of the poetics of the play are analyzed; the construction of the character system is studied; the influence of ancient drama on the architectonics and construction of the conflict of the play is revealed; the role of the chorus in the tragedy is highlighted. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time in Russian literary studies, A. Ferreira’s tragedy “A Castro” is considered within the framework of gender studies. As a result of the study, it was established that A. Ferreira’s tragedy “A Castro” reflects the playwright’s polemics with the conservative tendencies of the counter-reformation. Using in his tragedy the features of the poetics of ancient drama, A. Ferreira tells the story of the resistance of a medieval folk heroine to the king and his advisers as a struggle between the female hypostasis of a hero of late Renaissance humanism and a repressive male collective.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 5, 2024.
- Published: January 14, 2025.
- трагедия А. Феррейры «Инес де Кастро»
- история Португалии в классицистической трагедии
- гендерная проблематика трагедии
- построение системы персонажей
- построение конфликта пьесы
- героиня позднего ренессансного гуманизма
- the tragedy “A Castro” by A. Ferreira
- the history of Portugal in classical tragedy
- gender issues of tragedy
- making a system of characters
- developing the conflict of the play
- the heroine of late Renaissance humanism
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