• Original research article
  • January 22, 2025
  • Open access

German modal particles as components of analytical constructions


The work aims to identify various manifestations of analyticity in utterances with modal particles in the German language. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that modal particles are presented as integral components of analytical constructions. The results show that modal particles are grammaticalized units. In some types of syntactic constructions, they act as a mandatory component: their omission leads to a disruption of the grammatical integrity of the utterance. Modal particles serve to form the illocutionary type of utterance, reflecting the corresponding intention of the speaker. As a mandatory component, modal particles are used in syntactic constructions containing the Konjunktiv form to express an unreal wish, in pseudo-subordinate clauses with “dass”, and also in exclamatory sentences with a stressed finite verb form. If modal particles act as modifiers of the illocutionary type of utterance, i.e., the corresponding speech act, then they are attached to the mode of the sentence and determine the intention of the speaker. In this case, the omission of the particle does not violate the grammatical integrity of the utterance, but rather its inclusion in the communicative situation.


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Author information

Anna Viktorovna Averina


Moscow State Linguistic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 7, 2024.
  • Published: January 22, 2025.


  • модальные частицы
  • аналитические конструкции
  • иллокутивный тип высказывания
  • прагматическая морфема
  • грамматикализованные единицы
  • modal particles
  • analytical constructions
  • illocutionary type of utterance
  • pragmatic morpheme
  • grammaticalized units


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