The priming effect as a way to avoid ambiguity in English-language dialogical communication
The aim of the study is to identify ways to represent the priming effect at different language levels in dialogic communication as one of the effective ways to avoid potential linguistic ambiguity. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the fact that priming, as one of the mechanisms of the functioning of a person's implicit memory, is able to act as an effective communicative tactic, affecting the degree of consistency of communicative steps and the correctness of the linguistic means used in them. The results showed that priming potentially ambiguous linguistic units, applied both locally and globally, is a means of achieving constructiveness in dialogical communication. The presentation of primes in the speech of one communicant is reflected in the target stimuli of different levels of representation in the speech of one's own or another communicant, in accordance with the communicative steps taken at one time or another. The most frequent appearance of targeted stimuli is typical for question constructions – repetitions, as well as for correcting previously formulated statements (partner's or own) – paraphrases. It is paraphrasing and asking again that are effective ways to avoid and resolve ambiguity in a dialogue.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 13, 2024.
- Published: January 27, 2025.
- способы избегания языковой двусмысленности
- эффект прайминга
- англоязычный кинодискурс
- диалогическая коммуникация
- теория коммуникации
- ways to avoid linguistic ambiguity
- priming effect
- English-language film discourse
- dialogic communication
- communication theory
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