Ways of nominating generations in diachronic perspective (based on the English and Russian languages)
The aim of this study is to identify the linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that determine the regular use in historical and cultural narratives of phrases naming various groups of people based on the generational criterion. The article analyzes, in a chronological perspective, the onomasiological, structural-semantic, and linguocultural features of attributive combinations with the noun “generation”, which initially appeared in English and were then translated into other languages of the world, acquiring the status of internationalisms. It is substantiated that primary forms of nominations, represented by combinations formed according to the model “Adj + generation”, are replaced by combinations with the word “generation” in pre-position and an identification marker in post-position, represented by a letter symbol. In addition to structural and formal indicators, the linguo-cognitive foundations for the emergence of nominations of this type are identified, and the degree of their motivation by extra-linguistic factors is described. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that, as a result of a comprehensive analysis, unique stable nominations reflecting the collective characteristics of various generations have been identified for the first time. The results showed that the nominations of generations based on a temporal locus are developing in the direction of terminologization, expressed in a change from an adjectival structure to a predicative combination with a letter symbol as the main identifier. Onomasiological models such as ‘Generation X, Y, and Z’ are becoming typical. There is also a gradual loss of motivation in the internal form of the name by indicating people’s connection with certain historical or social events. The main onomasiological feature in naming different categories of generations becomes the nature of their relationship to Internet technologies, which reflects the main characteristics of modern mediatized society.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 10, 2024.
- Published: January 29, 2025.
- теория поколений
- атрибутивные сочетания
- ономасиологические модели Generation X, Y, Z
- Поколение Х, Y, Z
- цифровая грамотность поколений
- theory of generations
- attributive combinations
- onomasiological models ‘Generation X, Y, Z’
- Generation X, Y, Z
- digital literacy of generations
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