Some aspects of standardization of gender differences in Serbian and Croatian (based on explanatory dictionaries and reference books)
This article is dedicated to specific variations in gender forms of nouns in Serbian and Croatian. The aim of this research is to describe certain aspects of inter-variant gender differences in Serbian and Croatian explanatory dictionaries and language reference books. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that, for the first time, specific discrepancies in gender forms have been established when comparing Serbian and Croatian literary (standard) languages. Nouns, when compared between Serbian and Croatian, may have non-identical gender characteristics. The work examines specific issues of standardizing variant gender correlates through the prism of symbols and abbreviations in the structure of Serbian and Croatian explanatory dictionaries. The unification of gender variants of individual lexical units, the selection of a recommended exemplary variant with its corresponding fixation in dictionaries and reference books, are accompanied by symbols and normative-stylistic labels. The results obtained have shown that for the Serbian language, it is characteristic to preserve the duality of the norm when choosing one of the gender variants, while for the Croatian language, it is characteristic to fix that exemplary variant which is not so representative and widespread in the Serbian language environment. The comparative analysis of gender differences is illustrated by examples from Serbian and Croatian online publications.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 17, 2024.
- Published: January 29, 2025.
- межвариантные родовые различия
- сербский литературный язык
- хорватский литературный язык
- стандартизация языковой нормы
- толковые словари
- inter-variant gender differences
- Serbian literary language
- Croatian literary language
- standardization of language norms
- explanatory dictionaries
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