• Original research article
  • May 22, 2009
  • Open access



Free-indirect discourse (FID) as a nonconventional narrative form represents one of the fundamental concepts of the linguistic analysis of text. Basic interpretations of FID which have arisen in narrative and linguistic researches are systematized and analyzed in the article. Our own interpretation of the term FID is also offered in the work. We consider FID as a narrative form which is characterized by both grammatical and narrative parameters and is the most adequate for the transference of character internal feelings. Thus, we consider the expression of subjectivity to be the basic function of FID. Theoretical theses are proved with the help of the analysis of FID examples in the belles-lettres of the XIX century.


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Author information

N. V. Zhurdi

Moscow State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 22, 2009.


  • свободно-косвенный дискурс (СКД)
  • лингвистический анализ текста
  • нарратологические исследования
  • внутренние переживания персонажа
  • выражение субъективности
  • художественные тексты XIX в
  • free-indirect discourse (FID)
  • linguistic analysis of text
  • narrative researches
  • character internal feelings
  • expression of subjectivity
  • belles-lettres of the XIX century


© 2009 The Author(s)
© 2009 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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