• Original research article
  • May 10, 2010
  • Open access



While considering the semantic-syntactic aspect of the utterances under research the modelling of their syntactic structure from the positions of formal syntax, generating grammar and also semantic syntax was carried out. The main schemes of the syntactic organization of sentences with the lexemes with necessity meaning were distinguished and on the basis of government models a typical syntactic configuration of sentences with such modal predicates was determined. Syntactically the sentences with modal predicates of necessity are complex clauses, which comprise the implicit subject of non-finite clause co-referent to the subject of the main clause. The conducted comparison of syntactic and semantic structures revealed the change of the scheme of correspondence of syntactic and semantic models (diathesis) and allowed distinguishing between nominative and demi-active constructions being connected with the criterion of action control by the subject.


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Author information

Dina Anatolyevna Terre

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 10, 2010.


  • модели синтаксической структуры
  • модели управления
  • кореферентность
  • модальные лексемы
  • syntactic structure models
  • government models
  • co-reference
  • modal lexemes


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