• Original research article
  • December 17, 2012
  • Open access



Until now the phenomenon of interlingual homonymy has been considered from different points of view and only fragmentarily that did not allow giving an adequate definition of this notion and clear structuring of interlingual homonyms. The authors of the article interpret such homonyms as words that coincide in sounding or graphic form but differ in meaning; and basing on the analysis of interlingual homonyms by the material of the Tatar and Russian languages conditionally​​ divide them into three general types of inconsistencies. The results of the research of this problem are aimed at preventing errors while using foreign language, sometimes – at improving the quality of translations into native language, and even just at improving the culture of native speech.


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Author information

Ruzilya Rashitovna Salakhova

Kazan’ (Volga Region) Federal University

Gul'nara Rashatovna Gainutdinova

Kazan’ (Volga Region) Federal University

Gul'naz Nurfatovna Mukharlyamova

Kazan’ (Volga Region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 17, 2012.


  • татарско-русские межъязыковые омонимы
  • фонетико-графические межъязыковые омонимы
  • графические межъязыковые омонимы
  • фонетические межъязыковые омонимы
  • межъязыковые омографы
  • межъязыковые омофоны
  • Tatar-Russian interlingual homonyms
  • phonetic-graphic interlingual homonyms
  • graphic interlingual homonyms
  • phonetic interlingual homonyms
  • interlingual homographs
  • interlingual homophones


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© 2012 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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