• Original research article
  • March 11, 2013
  • Open access



The author considers the lexical and syntactic means of expressing speech genre “advice”, analyzes the terms “plane of expression”, “motivation”, “modality”, by the example of text fragments containing advice, shows the role of motivational and complex sentences in the realization of this speech genre, and pays special attention to modal verbs as means of expressing advice and to verbs with meaning “to advise” that represent the different aspects of this speech genre - from simple instruction to statements with a touch of caution.


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Author information

Anna Aleksandrovna Solov'eva

Astrakhan' State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 11, 2013.


  • речевой жанр
  • план выражения
  • структура
  • средства выражения
  • побудительность
  • модальность
  • speech genre
  • plane of expression
  • structure
  • means of expression
  • motivation
  • modality


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© 2013 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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