• Original research article
  • March 20, 2013
  • Open access



In the popular science text one can find certain metaphors models (the universal methods of metaphorical transfer), revealing the common tendency of popularized knowledge conceptualization and verbalization. The author considers the most productive areas of popular science texts metaphorical comprehension, prepared by the Lithuanian authors: “Man” and “Nature”, and comes to the conclusion that anthropomorphism dominates in popular science texts, and the model of the metaphor “Nature” is peripheral.


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Author information

Ona Petrenene

Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 20, 2013.


  • антропоморфизм
  • метафора
  • метафорическое осмысление
  • модели метафор
  • научно-популярный текст
  • anthropomorphism
  • metaphor
  • metaphorical comprehension
  • metaphors models
  • popular science text


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