• Original research article
  • May 8, 2013
  • Open access



The author reveals the social contradiction in notions “flattery – sincerity” from the point of view of linguistics, morality, logic, ethics and psychology, shows the main strategies implemented by the initiator of flattery in the discourse of flattery in interaction process, and pays special attention to the fact that language messages may be considered diametrically opposed in terms of sense and logic, depending on the past experience of interaction subject and other individual features of perception and information representation.


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Author information

Nadezhda Yur'evna Gutareva

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 8, 2013.


  • антипод
  • семантика
  • этические оценки
  • афоризм
  • стратегия
  • манипуляция
  • объект лести
  • инициатор лести
  • интерактанты
  • antipode
  • semantics
  • ethical evaluations
  • aphorism
  • strategy
  • manipulation
  • object of flattery
  • initiator of flattery
  • inter-actants


© 2013 The Author(s)
© 2013 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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