• Original research article
  • September 3, 2013
  • Open access



In this article the author conducts a component analysis of synonymous row of the concept “Angst” in the German language. The data of the German-language synonymous and also etymological dictionaries are used as factual material. Basing on the synonymic rows given in dictionaries the author undertakes the attempt to present her own lexical-semantic field of the emotion “Angst” . The aim of our study is to analyze synonymous units from the point of view of semantics, stylistic characteristic, and stylistic essence; to reveal the common semantic features that make up the core of the notion Angst on the basis of definitional and component analyses of the lexeme meanings included in the synonymous row of the word Angst .


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  3. Duden 2. Bedeutungswörterbuch. Mannheim – Leipzig – Wien – Zürich: Dudenverlag, 2004. Band 10. 657 S.
  4. Duden 2. Das Stilwörterbuch. Mannheim – Leipzig – Wien – Zürich: Dudenverlag, 2005. Band 2. 559 S.
  5. http://www.dwds.de/?qu=Bammel
  6. http://www.dwds.de/?qu=Entsetzen&submit_button=Suche&view=1
  7. http://www.dwds.de/?qu=Furcht&submit_button=Suche&view=1
  8. http://www.dwds.de/?qu=Heidenangst&submit_button=Suche&view=1
  9. http://www.dwds.de/?qu=Schrecken&submit_button=Suche&view=1
  10. Pons. Deutsche Idiomatik. Die deutschen Redewendungen im Kontext. Stuttgart – Dresden: Ernst Klett Verlag für Wissen und Bildung, 2007. 590 S.
  11. Textor A. M. Sag es treffender. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag GmbH, 1996. 511 S.
  12. Wahrig. Das Synonymwörterbuch. Gütersloh – München: Wissen media Verlag GmbH, 2006. 679 S.
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Author information

Alsu Magsumovna Bulatova

Kazan’ (Volga Region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 3, 2013.


  • синонимия
  • эмоциональный концепт «Angst»
  • синонимический ряд
  • лексико-семантическое поле
  • компонентный анализ
  • синонимическая единица
  • лексический анализ
  • семантический анализ
  • synonymy
  • emotional concept “Angst”
  • synonymous row
  • lexical-semantic field
  • component analysis
  • synonymous unit
  • lexical analysis
  • semantic analysis


© 2013 The Author(s)
© 2013 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)