• Original research article
  • January 15, 2014
  • Open access



The article considers the problem of using mnemonic methods to study vocabulary in foreign language classes. The overview of English-language publications on this issue is given. The advantages and disadvantages of mnemonics, used for studying new foreign words, are shown. The conclusion about the necessity of its use in the contextual study of vocabulary is made. It is stated that the choice of specific methods depends on the level of trainees’ knowledge.


  1. Aitchison J. Words in the Mind: an Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003. 328 p.
  2. Allen V. F. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983. 135 p.
  3. Anderson J. R. Cognitive Psychology and Its Implication. 5th ed. N. Y.: Worth Publishers, 2000. 531 p.
  4. Atay D., Ozbulgan C. Memory Strategy Instruction, Contextual Learning and ESP Vocabulary Recall // English for Specific Purposes. 2007. Vol. 26 (1). P. 39-51.
  5. Baddeley A. D. Essentials of Human Memory. Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press, 1999. 368 p.
  6. Bulgren J. A., Schumaker J. B., Deshler D. D. The Effects of a Recall Enhancement Routine on the Test Performance of Secondary Students with and Without Learning Disabilities // Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. 1994. Vol. 9. P. 2-11.
  7. Carlson R. F., Kincaid J. P., Lance S., Hodgson T. Spontaneous Use of Mnemonics Grade Point Average // Journal of Psychology. 1976. Vol. 92 (1). P. 117-122.
  8. Carney R. N., Levin J. R. Do Mnemonic Fade As Time Goes by? Here’s Looking Anew! // Contemporary Educational Psychology. 1988. Vol. 23 (3). P. 276-297.
  9. Carney R. N., Levin J. R. Mnemonic Instruction with a Focus on Transfer // Journal of Educational Psychology. 2000. Vol. 92 (4). P. 783-790.
  10. Erten I. H., Tekin M. Effect on Vocabulary Acquisition of Presenting New Words in Semantic Sets Versus Semantically Unrelated Sets // System. 2008. Vol. 36 (3). P. 407-422.
  11. Oxford R. L. Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. N. Y.: Newbury House, 1990. 342 p.
  12. Roediger H. L. The Effectiveness of Four Mnemonics in Ordering Recall // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory. 1980. Vol. 6 (5). P. 558-567.
  13. Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition / ed. by J. Coady, T. Huckin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. 312 p.
  14. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language / ed. by M. Celce-Murcia. 3rd ed. Boston, MA.: Heinle ELT, 2001. 584 p.
  15. Thompson I. Memory in Language Learning // Learner Strategies in Language Learning / ed. by A. Wenden, J. Rubin. Englewood Cliffs. N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1987. P. 43-56.

Author information

Maksim Aleksandrovich Lopatin

Ural State University of Railway Transport

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: January 15, 2014.


  • мнемонические приёмы
  • языковая мнемоника
  • пространственная мнемоника
  • зрительная мнемоника
  • вербальная мнемоника
  • метод физических реакций
  • mnemonic methods
  • language mnemonics
  • spatial mnemonics
  • visual mnemonics
  • verbal mnemonics
  • method of physical reactions


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