• Original research article
  • February 18, 2014
  • Open access



In the article the semiotic component of literary-fiction text concerning the visual description of things, which may be referred to the genre of still life, is considered. The specificity of transforming the depicted “world of things” in literary text (by the significant example of N. V. Gogol’s prose) is defined; it is concluded that the phenomenon of philological still life combines the sign and allusion of the similar painting genre as a fruitful and interesting linguistic phenomenon.


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Author information

Evgeniya Arkad'evna Elina

Saratov State Academy of Law

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: February 18, 2014.


  • вербальный знак
  • иконический знак
  • словесный натюрморт
  • знаковая метафора
  • семиотическая значимость
  • verbal sign
  • iconic sign
  • philological still life
  • sign metaphor
  • semiotic meaningfulness


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