• Original research article
  • March 3, 2014
  • Open access



The article discusses the various types of the audiovisualization of professional themes video materials depending on the purpose of speech activity: studying, critical, fact-finding , review, information retrieval and fragmentary. The audiovisualization skills of the mentioned types are analyzed that are necessary for the universities students of non-linguistic courses studying a foreign language in order to understand professionally directed foreign language movies.


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Author information

Sofiya Oskarovna Daminova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 3, 2014.


  • обучение иностранному языку студентов неязыковых направлений
  • виды аудиовизуализации
  • аудиовизуальные умения
  • видеофильм
  • текст
  • teaching foreign language to students of non-linguistic courses
  • audiovisualization types
  • audiovisual skills
  • video film
  • text


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