The article analyzes the expressive means used in advertising radio spots by the example of commercial radio station “Radio 7”. The radio in mass media system, focused primarily on auditory perception, affects the human imagination more than other means. The author pays special attention to the identification of the effectiveness and degree of the impact on the listener, the potential consumer, of different language expressive means in spots. On air of a commercial station one can listen to lively blocks that use the resources of the Russian language to attract the attention of listeners and advertisers’ money.
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About this article
Publication history
- Published: March 3, 2014.
- рекламный спот
- выразительные средства языка
- тропы
- окказионализм
- эпитеты
- advertising spot
- expressive means of language
- tropes
- occasionalism
- epithets
© 2014 The Author(s)
© 2014 Gramota Publishing, LLC