• Original research article
  • September 20, 2014
  • Open access



The article is devoted to investigating the pragmatic characteristics of discursive particles (‘just’, ‘simply’ ‘really’, ‘quite’, ‘nearly’) in the situations of observing and violating the norms of politeness. The special attention is paid to the shades of meanings of discursive particles in the various contexts. The author finds out that discursive particles, manifesting themselves as downtoners or emphasizers/maximizers, function as indicators of observing or violating the norms of politeness.


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Author information

Marina Lazarevna Avakova

Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 20, 2014.


  • дискурсивные частицы
  • ликоущемляющие речевые акты
  • эффект смягчения
  • эффект усиления
  • вежливость
  • невежливость
  • downtoner
  • emphasizer
  • maximizer
  • discursive particles
  • offensive speech acts
  • downtoning effect
  • emphasizing effect
  • politeness
  • impoliteness


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