• Original research article
  • October 28, 2014
  • Open access



The article touches on the issues of stylistic markedness, spheres of usage and translating from the English language Biblicisms with no unambiguous equivalents in the Russian language. The goal of the research is to represent phraseological variants of translation of such kind of Biblicisms preserving the emotional and expressive colouring and situation. The authors pay special attention to the analysis scheme which includes non-phraseological translation of a Biblicism for emphasizing all components of the described situation and choice of synonyms. This scheme for choosing analogues through the analysis of contexts enables to detail the aspects of the situation in which a certain Biblicism is used, as well as the semantic structure of a Biblical phraseological unit.


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Author information

Elena Alekseevna Mishutinskaya

Vyatka State University

Irina Sergeevna Zlobina

Vyatka State University

Aleksandra Al'bertovna Shakirova

Vyatka State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 28, 2014.


  • библеизмы
  • фразеологические варианты перевода
  • сфера употребления
  • мифологические выражения
  • калькированные идиомы
  • Biblicisms
  • phraseological variants of translation
  • sphere of usage
  • mythological expressions
  • loan-translation idioms


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