• Original research article
  • March 1, 2015
  • Open access



This article deals with the process of semantic transformations that appears as a consequence of the internal reorganization of the structure of meaning, namely, the shift of core and peripheral semes within the semantic field of a sememe. The analysis of the semantic structure is carried out by using a cognitive-semantic method, i.e. through the stage of the description of the concept, nominated this word. The object of the study, thus, is units of a nominative field of the concept of space, considered in their diachronic development.


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Author information

Elena Gennad'evna Koshkina

Higher School of Economics National Research University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 1, 2015.


  • языковое развитие
  • семантические трансформации
  • семантическое поле
  • ядро
  • (близкая
  • дальняя
  • крайняя) периферия
  • сема
  • лексические компоненты значения
  • концепт
  • номинация концепта
  • номинативное поле концепта
  • методы описания значения
  • когнитивно-семантический подход
  • language development
  • semantic transformations
  • semantic field
  • core
  • (close, distant, extreme) peripherals
  • seme
  • lexical components of meaning
  • concept
  • nomination of concept
  • nominative field of concept
  • methods for description of meaning
  • cognitive-semantic approach


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© 2015 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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