• Original research article
  • June 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article examines the problems associated with the studies of elite linguistic personality of a translator in the modern cognitive aspect. Methodological foundation of the study is the synergetic conception of translator’s space according to which the criterion of qualitative translation is the harmony interpreted as the semantic adequacy of the original and translated texts. The originality of the study involves describing the activity of a professional translator as an elite linguistic personality the dominant component of which is the harmonious translator’s worldview. Poetical translation analysis indicates that the translator’s harmonious reconstruction of the author’s poetical worldview allows referring him to the elite personality.


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Author information

Anna Igorevna Krivoruchko

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 1, 2016.


  • элитарная языковая личность переводчика
  • переводческое пространство
  • смысловая соразмерность
  • переводческая гармония
  • переводческий дискурс
  • когнитивное измерение
  • elitist linguistic personality of a translator
  • translator’s space
  • semantic adequacy
  • translator’s harmony
  • translator’s discourse
  • cognitive aspect


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