• Original research article
  • October 1, 2016
  • Open access



The article discusses the study of the titles of literary texts as a basic element of their information structure. In this context the paper researches and analyzes the types and stylistic peculiarities of the titles of literary works. The author substantiates the position that the stylistic and graphical peculiarities of titles affect the perception of literary works. Titles can be a single word, a coordinative combination of words, a subordinating phrase, and a whole sentence. Titles can create the effect of defeated expectancy and have a property of ambiguity.


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  3. Кольцова Л. М. Художественный текст в современной лингвистической парадигме. Воронеж, 2007. 51 с.
  4. Кржижановский С. Д. Страны, которых нет. М., 1994. 32 с.
  5. Купина Н. А. Филологический анализ художественного текста: практикум. 2-е изд., стереотип. М.: ФЛИНТА; Наука, 2011. 408 с.
  6. Маслова В. А. Лингвистический анализ экспрессивности художественного текста. Минск: Высшая школа, 1997. 156 с.
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Author information

Margarita Petrovna Koz'ma

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 1, 2016.


  • заглавие
  • художественный текст
  • автор
  • адресат
  • троп
  • содержание
  • эффект обманутого ожидания
  • title
  • literary text
  • author
  • addressee
  • trope
  • contents
  • effect of defeated expectancy


© 2016 The Author(s)
© 2016 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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